
Congrats, Doctor !

Gwendoline Schaff has successfully defended her PhD thesis on August 20th, 2024 ! Her thesis, titled "Ageing well in place: towards multiple architectural approaches" aims to: (i) identify the factors impacting on the “ageing well in place” of older people and future older people living in non-institutional housing; (ii) understand how these factors of “ageing well in place” are reflected…

Venice Biennale, Our thoughts ! By Clémentine Schelings.

In October 2023, the Inter’Act research group visited the Venice Architecture Biennale. Since, each has collected their thoughts and reflected on different aspects from their time in the various pavilions and within the shores of Venice. Over the next few weeks, each member will share their takeaways from the experience. This week, Clémentine Schelings, Inter’Act post-doctoral researcher and newly appointed…

AgeWell, an assessment tool for an age-friendly living environment

During the first half of 2023, the Inter’Act research lab designed a prototype version of an age-friendly assessment tool, commissioned by the SWITCH Delivery Unit of the Huy-Waremme district. Based on 8 indicators issued from the literature, this user-friendly tool helps local actors of any small-scale territory (municipal employees, town planning representatives…) evaluate how (in-)adequate their services, transportation, local participatory…

Inter’Act’s Involved in the Future of AI-Powered Fall Detection in Wallonia

We are excited to share news of our collaboration in Wallonia that aims to shape the future of AI-powered fall detection and enhance the lives of seniors and individuals with disabilities. Inter’Act is proud to join forces with Yuza, Open Hub, and ULiege, with the support of Partenamut and AVIQ. Together, we are working towards the eventual implementation of selected…

Tracing the development of “My architect and I” at the Milan EKSIG 2023 conference

Inter’Act continues its research on the relationship between clients and architects through its project Mon Architecte et Moi –“My Architect and I” -and recently shared insights on its research journey and development process at the 2023 EKSIG conference July 2023 at the Politecnico de Milano. This year, EKSIG – a special interest group within DRS – focused on “experiential knowledge…

Inter’Act talks about Stroke rehabilitation at NORDES Conference 2023

We are pleased to share that Inter’Act Research Group was represented at the NORDES conference in June 2023 by two of our doctoral researchers! NORDES (, the Nordic Design Research Society, is known for its inclusive, community-focused conferences that explore various themes. Today, we cast the spotlight on our first year PhD student Louise Masciarelli. She is currently exploring the…

« Moi et Mon Architecte » Conférences & Atelier · 31 Mai 2022

Après deux ans de recherche-projet, l’équipe Inter’Act de l’Université de Liège organise une dernière demi-journée d’échanges, de conférences, d’ateliers afin de présenter le résultat de ses recherches, de faire découvrir les travaux de deux chercheurs et d’un architecte qui ont consacré leurs pratiques à des approches participatives, et de tester des concepts développés cet hiver dans le cadre d’ateliers participatifs.…

Compte rendu – Atelier Participatif #01 « Moi et Mon architecte »

Le 27 janvier dernier a eu lieu notre Atelier de restitution et de partage, événement de lancement de la seconde phase de notre projet sur les interactions entre les architectes et les clients-usagers. Nous vous remercions pour votre intérêt et participation! 16 architectes et 8 usagers clients se sont prêtés au jeu et ont découvert et commenté les témoignages textuels,…

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